Friday, May 1, 2015

Last Friday...?

Could someone please explain to me where the past (almost) 4 months have gone & how I can get them back? Can someone else also explain how it is possible that I head home in less than a week? That in exactly one week, I'll be at home enjoying a home cooked meal, seeing my family & friends? How? 

But let's be honest. I'm absolutely going to miss this place. The magic of finding something new to explore every single day, the city, the Royalty... just everything that makes London, London. I'm really going to miss it. 

So today, Kelley & I attempted to knock a few more things off our bucket list. First we had lunch with her parents before they headed back to the USA. See ya in a week family! We had a great lunch at a little Italian chain. Then Kelley & I headed off to King's Cross station to find... 

Platform 9 3/4! 

If you haven't watched/read Harry Potter, this will make no sense to you. But this platform is where you catch the magical Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts. So if law school doesn't work out for me, you'll catch me back here in a year, headed off to Hogwarts. Ok? 

Kelley & I then headed off to do some shopping... But ended up by Big Ben to take some photos, (don't worry - there's more coming but I can't show you them now!) 

I accidentally snuck in her panorama. Oops. But it came out super cute & now I'm glad I did!

We had a great day, just exploring & seeing more of London. How is it possible we find something new to explore every single day? Craziness! But in all seriousness, see you in a week America!

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